Will somebody please tell me what the hell is wrong with contemporary Italian cinema? How come the Danes and the Koreans are making better movies than the Italians? When I think of The Bicycle Thief or Umberto D and then I see things like this I just want to break down and cry. What is bizarre (among many other things) is that the subject matter is eminently compelling: the life and times of Giulio Andreotti, by far the most important politician in Italy in the post-War period. His story is essential to understanding Italy as it really is. Some reviewers here have charitably suggested that one would benefit from a background knowledge of the matter. Not so. I know all about this stuff (unfortunately). This movie is a mess. Or if I may paraphrase the title of one of Ebert's books: Sorrentino, your movie sucks. I gave it two stars only because of the undoubted technical proficiency in filmmaking. The exact opposite of the neo-Realists. They made great films with small means. Sorrentino has made a small film with great means.