
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Alda Merini, Mi piace il verbo sentire

Alda Merini is a well-known poet who died in 2009. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature and survived a life that included mental illness and institutionalization. Here is one of her most famous poems, which I wish to present here to learners of Italian because it is an excellent illustration of the important verb sentire, which means to hear, to feel and to smell. It is also a good example of the difficulty of translating poetry.

Mi piace il verbo sentire...

sentire il rumore del mare, sentirne l'odore...

sentire il suono della pioggia che ti bagna le labbra, sentire una penna

che traccia sentimenti su un foglio bianco...

sentire l'odore di chi ami, sentirne la voce sentirlo col cuore...

sentire e' il verbo delle emozioni, ci si sdraia sulla schiena del mondo

e si sente

I like the verb sentire

to hear the sound of the sea, to smell its smell

to hear the sound of the rain that wets your lips, to feel and hear a pen

tracing sentiments on a white sheet...

to smell the smell of the one you love, to hear his voice, to feel it with one's heart...

Sentire is the verb of emotions- one lies down on the back of the world

and feels