1. They've never had an Italian mother-in-law.
2. They've never had an Italian mother.
3. They've never been treated by Italians an an Italian, and not a tourist or transient.
4. They've never had an operation in an Italian hospital.
5. They've never had a lawsuit in an Italian court.
6. They didn't attend university in Italy.
7. They've never been to a riunione di condominio (condo owners meeting).
8. They've never had to live all their life in an apartment as opposed to a house.
9. They've never even seen the really ugly sides of some Italian towns.
10. They've never had to "compete" in the Italian job "market," or hold a job in Italy.
And that ain't all, folks. There may be a Part Two, and Three...
(the cartoon says: "We've decided that from now on the co-pay at the Emergency Room can be used as a deposit toward your funeral.")