In Italy it is also popular, and goes by the name of Linus (pronounced "Lee-noos"), the character with the blanket who often sucks his thumb. I could say some snarky things about why Italians would identify most with the little kid who needs his blankie and thumb. But I won't.
Observe, at any rate, how our little kids use the subjunctive in Italian (Lee-noos included.) Here's what they say in the above strip:
Charlie Brown: I'm sorry you have to wear glasses, Linus.
Linus: Don't feel sorry for me, Charlie Brown. Just think that now I can see things that I never even knew existed before!
Linus: Take Lucy, for example. For the first time I realize what a marvelous creature she actually is.
Lucy: The glasses didn't just improve his sight... They improved his sarcasm.