
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Test your hypothetical (if) sentences in Italian

For a brief review of the rules for hypothetical sentences, see here.

Fill in the following with the appropriate form of the verb (the infinitive is given), then translate the sentence. All blanks are of the same length and some verbs may be in two parts.

1. Non so cosa _____ (fare) se non _____ (avere) te.

2. Se _____ (essere) in lui non lo _____ (dire) a nessuno.

3. Cosa _____ (fare) se _____ (essere) ricco?

4. Se non _____ (mangiare) tutta la pizza, non gli _____ (fare) male la pancia adesso.

5. L' _____ (aiutare) se lo _____ (sapere).

6. Se non la _____ (smettere), me ne _____ (andare).

7. Se _____ (lavorare) di piu' _____ (fare) piu' soldi.

8. Non ci _____ (credere) se non lo _____ (vedere) con i miei occhi.

9. Se mi _____ (tradire), non ti _____ (parlare) mai piu'.

10. Cosa _____(fare) se _____(scoppiare) una guerra?

11.Se _____ (chiamare) _____(essere) in giardino.

12.Se mi _____ (prestare) i soldi, _____(essere) il tuo amico per sempre.

13.Non gli _____(parlare) se non _____ (essere) miei parenti.

14.Se non _____ (bere) cosi' tanto si _____(sentire) meglio.

15. Se Gianni e Mauro lo _____ (sapere), te lo _____(dire).


1. Farei/avessi. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you.
2. Fossi/direi. If I were him, I wouldn't tell anyone.
3. Faresti/fossi. What would you do if you were rich?
4. Avesse mangiato/farebbe. If he hadn't eaten the whole pizza, his stomach wouldn't hurt now.
5. Avrei aiutato/avessi saputo. I would have helped him if I had known.
6. Smetti/vado. If you don't stop I'm leaving.
7. Lavorassi/farei. If I worked more, I'd make more money. (one possible solution)
8. Avrei creduto/avessi visto. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
9. Tradisci/parlero'. If you betray me, I'll never speak to you again. (one possible solution)
10.Faresti/scoppiasse. What would you do if a war broke out?
11.Chiamano/saro'. If they call I'll be in the garden.
12.Presti/saro'. If you lend me the money, I'll be your friend forever.
13.Parlerei/fossero. I wouldn't speak to them if they weren't my relatives.
14.Bevesse/sentirebbe. If he didn't drink so much he'd feel better. (one possible solution)
15.Sapessero/direbbero. If Gianni and Mauro knew they'd tell you.