Another characteristic is that even the thin slices of this cured beef are less fragile than other cold cuts, making them ideal for appetizers such as roll-ups or bundles. Here is an idea adapted from the Italian site for Philadelphia brand cream cheese.
Yes, the Italians like cream cheese, which they call "il philadelphia" after Kraft's brand name. In the photo (courtesy of the above site), rotolini di bresaola are shown. I used the pre-sliced Citterio in the package. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on meat slices, sprinkle with freshly-ground pepper. Spread soft cream cheese (the kind found in the little plastic vat) over slices. Tie with parboiled strands of fresh chives for an elegant touch, or close with toothpicks. Add chopped, fresh rucola to the cream cheese if desired. For a low-calorie, low-fat light meal, replace cream cheese with no-fat Greek yogurt, over a bed of spring mix, or rucola and shredded carrots.