
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yet another exercise on the subjunctive

To see all my other stuff on this moody mood, use the search button, upper left corner. This will get you in shape for this Olympic-level exercise.

Now in language learning among the hardest exercises are the "spot the error" kind. And this is one of those. Particularly because some of the sentences will not have an error. Your task is to identify the appropriate or inappropriate use of subjunctives and the right form for same. Remember that the subjunctive sometimes has the same form as the indicative.

In the sentences below, say whether the sentence is correct, identify any subjunctives, and state whether their form is correct.

1. L'importante e' che andiamo d'accordo.
2. L'importante e' che vanno d'accordo.
3. Voglio che siate puntuali.
4. Se non lo vedevo coi miei occhi, non ci avrei creduto.
5. Se non stai zitto, me ne vado.
6. Lo so che sono sposati.
7. Mi pare che sono fidanzati, non sposati.
8. Penso che andro' in Italia quest'anno.
9. Se studierebbe di piu', passerebbe gli esami.
10.Ho paura di aver sbagliato questo esercizio.
11.Ovunque va, lo seguiro'.
12.Credo che facci freddo fuori.
13.Penso che essere sia piu' importante che avere.
14.Che paga o non paga, non ha importanza.
15.Se avesti piu' soldi, vivrei a Nantucket.

Are you a champion? Gold, silver, bronze? Find out below.

1. Right. Subjunctive with the same form as indicative.
2. Wrong. Verb should be subjunctive vadano
3. Right-o.
4. Wrong. Hypothetical of the third type, should be past perfect subjunctive avessi visto
5. Right. Hypothetical of the first type
6. Right. Don't think that every time you have the word che, it will be followed by a subjunctive
7. Wrong. Mi pare entails uncertainty, use siano
8. Right. Penso che can be followed by the future indicative
9. Wrong. Hypothetical of the second type, takes past subjunctive studiasse
10.Right. Ho paura di is followed by the infinitive
11.Wrong. Ovunque, like comunque, is followed by the subjunctive. Should be vada
12.Wrong. Should in fact be a subjunctive, but proper form is faccia
13.Right. The two infinitives are used as abstract verbal nouns
14.Wrong. Should be subjunctive paghi
15.Wrong. Hypothetical of the second type, should be past subjunctive avessi