
Friday, October 23, 2009

Mina canta Gino- Il Cielo in una Stanza

Gino Paoli is one of the legendary singer-songwriters of Italy. Back in the day, he was also known for his turbulent lifestyle, including an intense affair with lovely young actress Stefania Sandrelli and a suicide attempt in which a bullet fragment lodged permanently near his heart. It might still be there for all I know, wreaking havoc with metal detectors in airports all over the world.

Anyhow, this song, a classic, is beautiful in its simplicity and expressive of the transcendence of being in love. It is wonderfully interpreted by a young Mina. English translation follows original lyrics.

Quando sei qui con me
questa stanza non ha più... pareti,
ma alberi... alberi infiniti.
Quando tu sei vicino a me
questo soffitto viola
no... non esiste più.
Io vedo il cielo sopra...
A noi... che restiamo qui
come se, se non ci fosse più
niente... più niente al mondo.
Suona un'armonica:
mi sembra un organo
che vibra per te, per me
su nell'immensità del ciel.

. . . . . .

Suona un'armonica:
mi sembra un organo
che vibra per te, per me
su nell'immensità del cielo.
Per te... e per me
Per te...
per me...
nel cielo.

When you're here with me
this room no longer has walls
but trees, endless trees.
When you're here next to me
this purple ceiling no longer exists
I see the sky above us...
Who remain here
on our own
as if there were nothing,
nothing else in the world.
A harmonica is playing
it sounds like an organ,
that resounds for me, for you,
up in the immensity of the sky.

A harmonica is playing
it sounds like an organ.