
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Kyle Phillips

Kyle Phillips is an American whose dad was an archeologist and who has lived in Tuscany for decades. He is an important, authoritative resource for Italian food and wine and is present online with three sites.

His site on Italian food is one of the richest and most valuable on the subject, although not particularly elegant or well-designed. Kyle really knows his stuff, having translated into English Artusi's famous gastronomic classic, La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiare bene. While you're at it, take a look at the site dedicated to Artusi himself, which conveniently offers a download of the entire Artusi work in the original Italian.

He is also quite the intenditore where wine is concerned. See his Italian Wine Review.

As if this wasn't enough, he also maintains a blog/newsletter that he has had for many years, Cosa bolle in pentola.

Check him out.