Mica facile la vita.
Life sure ain't easy.
Non sono mica tua madre.
I'm not your mother, you know.
Non gli hai mica detto il nostro segreto?
You didn't tell him our secret, did you?
Mica e' scemo.
He's no fool. [after someone has said or implied that he might possibly be one].
Non sono mica pieno di soldi.
I'm not rich, you know. [could be said to deny request for money]
Mica e' Parigi.
This is not Paris. [said to explain why a place is boring/limited/small/ugly/unromantic]
Mica e' facile parlare perfettamente l'italiano.
It's not easy to speak Italian perfectly. [use this after you have made a series of mistakes and are being criticized and laughed at]