
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Eggplant parm!

Despite the fact, or because of the fact, that I am myself an eggplant, I have yet to feature a recipe for this well-beloved Italian dish. It offends my sensibilities to think of my fellow veggies cut, salted, fried, smothered, and placed in a hot oven. Then, finishing up in someone's tummy. Maybe a vegetarian tummy.
So I'll let someone else do the dirty work. Here is a recipe I can approve (to the extent I can approve of such cruelty) from the long-time site Cooking with Patty. It is kept by an Italian woman living in Verona, but is in English. Although eggplant parmesan (melanzane alla parmigiana, or more snobbishly, parmigiana di melanzane) is a Southern dish, I think we can allow this Northern lady to provide her input on what has become a national and international favorite.

Another recipe (in Italian only) can be found at the popular Giallo Zafferano site- the complete video and step-by-step photos may be helpful even if you are not proficient in the language.