Have you ever been tired of something even before it started? I'm already tired of Prime Minister Berlusconi's impending divorce.
The proverb says: fra moglie e marito non mettere dito. Literally, do not put your finger between wife and husband- butt out. But here it seems to be "that lady" (as B. is now calling his wife) who is encouraging the world as a whole to be a buttinski. Not long ago, after one compliment too many to a nubile young lady, Veronica Lario complained via the left-of-center Repubblica, demanding a public apology. Which Silvio complied with. Now he has gone so far as to attend the eighteenth birthday party of a pretty blonde who calls him "papi." This time the septuagenarian head of state is not apologizing, so the lady is filing for divorce. "Berlusca" maintains that the attractive former actress is being manipulated by his rivals on the left. A vast left-wing conspiracy.
Another proverb comes to mind: i panni sporchi si lavano in casa. Dirty laundry should be washed at home. But apparently Veronica is a rule-breaker and is challenging the long-held Italian male's light-hearted attitude to adultery. And using her husband's own tools (the media) against him.